My Travel Map

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My trip to New Delhi & Hyderabad Cont…….

The organization assessment of the first research institution was done. The organization did not have any unique problems that I haven’t encountered before; (Nevertheless the CEO and the rest like to think their problem is unique) they have the same issues as any other knowledge business. Attracting and retaining knowledge workers, their motivation and retention, resource mobilization for innovation projects and leadership / management capacities dominated the discussions. There were the ever present egos of some of the technical experts who had to be dealt with delicately to get to the bottom of the issues.

The most interesting thing that happened was when traveling to the organization I saw a 3 wheeler (took took) which was kitted out as a tipper truck which was collecting garbage. I was amazed at this and tried to take a photograph of it. However as I had to use my phone camera the photo did not come out well. The other interesting thing is that this 3 wheeler zipped through traffic like their cousins who take people and my driver was not able to get close to take a better photograph. Hats off to the ingenuity and the innovation of the Indian auto engineers who thought of this. It seemed to me that this was a good solution which has its applications in garbage collection and goods transport within a busy city.

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